Title An Analysis on the Stability Fluctuation of Construction Company related Housing Construction Business
Authors Jang Se-Woong ; Kim Sang-Ki ; Lee Sang-Hyo ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.217-224
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Stability ; Liquidity ; Housing Construction Business ; Vector Auto Regression Model
Abstract Because the latest housing construction business shows a downward trend, It is difficult to operating construction company. It means that the change of housing construction business has influence on the stability of construction company because housing construction is forming an great part of the domestic construction. Therefore this paper attempts to analyze on the relation between the stability fluctuation of construction company and the change of housing construction business by using Vector Auto Regression Model. The collected data is limited, as the time series data of current ratio and debt ratio was secured based on the financial statements of the most capable 50 constructions firms in Korea. The result shows that housing construction business have an more effect on the stability of construction company than non-residential and civil construction business.