Title A Study on Case Analysis of Environmental Color Centered on the District of Youido, Seoul
Authors Park Sung-Jun ; Lee Hyun-Soo
Page pp.237-245
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Environmental Color ; Color Syntax ; Colourscape ; Urban Landscape
Abstract The ultimate aim of this paper is the process of how to extract regional main color through systematic and scientific method using Color syntax program. Also, the outcome of this study can be utilized the basic data answering future regional environment arrangement policy. The summary of this study is as follows. 1)The total outcome of color analysis using NCS color palette according to the element forming the image of the district, Youido highlights that the ratio of B, YR, PB categorical color rank according to priority. Also, in the course of categorical analysis, I regard the highest distribution of each categorical color as the range of regional main colors. 2)In the Youido district, Seoul, it shows the color image scale as hard, static, gentle, clean modern. By and large, The tone of modern feeling highlights the highest frequency. while, the tone of dynamic, cheerful feeling is few or no. To sum up, this paper has its significance to extract regional main color by categorical analysis through inventing collective regulations on the basis of scientific analysis by a computer program and to suggest the basic data answering future regional environment arrangement policy.