Title Emission Characteristics of TVOC and Formaldehyde According to Elapsed Time from Wood-Based Compisite Materials
Authors Yoo Bok-Hee
Page pp.307-314
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Wood-Based Composite Materials ; Total Volatile Organic Compounds ; Formaldehyde ; Emission Characteristics
Abstract The objective of this study was to find the Emission Characteristics of TVOC and Formaldehyde according to time lapse of 1 day and 7 days inside chamber from different composite material specimens which are made with short-term and long-term retention period materials. Also, influences of chemical substance emission are analyzed according to raw material storage period, surface finishing method and retention period after forming. The test is performed with 8 complex material specimens which have different material compositions. The results show as follows; The formaldehyde emission rate was decreased according to the time elapsed for complex material specimen with short retention period, but it was increased with a long retention period. This indicates that forming condition and method dominate the degree and status of emission amount. The TVOC emission has mixed result of increase and decrease by specimen according to elapsed time, but all of the long-term retention period specimen tend to decrease as elapsed time. The result indicates that TVOC emission in complex material has strong influence from single material retention period.