Title The Design for Waterfront Cultural Space through the Movement - A Case Study on Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Modern Art for the Tate Museum London -
Authors Lee Kum-Jin
Page pp.3-12
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Waterfront Cultural Space ; Openspace ; Movement ; Contiguity ; Contemporaneousness ; Guggenheim Museum Bilbao ; Modern Art for the Tate Museum London
Abstract The opportunity provided for a view of a vision for waterfront cultural space and the evaluation of its success in cultural and design method terms, is the purpose of this paper. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Modern Art for the Tate Museum London, the successful waterfront cultural space ever attempted in Bilbao and the London, feature culture-led regeneration as it seeks to revive a former industrial and waterfront site. This paper reviews the establishment of the design method of cultural space and concludes with an assessment of how the cultural space adapts affect on the waterfront: the impacts of the factors contributing to architecture through the movement based on contiguity and contemporaneousness, and the evidence of their effects on the cultural space; the extent to cultural space input to the waterfront with the implementation of organic distinguishing between space and form, and connecting between architecture and open space; the proposals for the use of waterfront as a cultural space in response to the placement for culture, event, open space and esplanade.