Title A Study of Design Element of Slow Street in Commercial Districts
Authors Jung Soon-Won ; Woo Shin-Koo
Page pp.31-42
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Slow Street ; Commercial Street ; Element ; Process
Abstract Traditional commercial streets in local cities have been suffered two kinds of problems: car-oriented urban space and the economic declination of lod city center. For this situation, the concept of 'slow street' can be considered as a potential alternative to revitalize commercial streets incorporating both pedestrian and car. The study has explored the concept of 'slow street' historically from late 19th century upto recent reports published by the CABE, including Traffic Calming Program, Woonerf, Home Zone. The practical projects like UK's High Street and America's Main Streets also analyzed how the concept of 'slow street' was included for the projects. Based on these theoretical program and practical projects, this study have proposed the proper process for implementing slow street project and the design elements.