Title A Veiled Origin of Urban Design of Modernism in Architecture - A Study on H. P. Berlage's Urban Design and Collective Housing Projects -
Authors Kang Tae-Woong
Page pp.283-290
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Design ; Collective Housing ; Public Housing ; Berlage ; Standardisation ; CIAM ; Brinckmann ; Schmarsow
Abstract It was generally known that modern urban design theory was developed through the architectural discourse of CIAM. However the fact that there was only one who had a chance to assert a practical experience of implement several urban housing projects in the 1st CIAM was seldom known. It was H.P. Berlage, oldest architect in CIAM of 1928. Standardisation was one of the keywords of modern movements in architecture since the debate between H. Muthesius and H. van de Velde of 1914. The way was, though, incorporated in another ideal aesthetics at the beginning. In terms of architectural discourse the debate of 1918 in the Netherlands was more practical and executable. For Berlage who was already carried out several collective housing using the way of standardisation in urban scale both debates were unfocused. As a line of the debate of 1914 CIAM misunderstood or distorted Berages's notions..Berlage's ideas of urban design were not pedantic but experimental and humanistic. In the middle of his urban theory there was not ideal aesthetics but actual things such as people, collective cultures, and societies. That menas urban fabric must be structured by menas of the results of the actual things. By tracing historical discourses of architecture in modern period this study aims at digging up Berlage's urban design theories and its cases.