Title A Research on Actual Condition for Fire Fighting Environment in Various Plan Types of Gosiwon and a Study on the Improvement in Fire Safety Capacity
Authors Lee Jong-Won ; Lee Ho-Young ; Hong Won-Hwa
Page pp.365-372
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Gosiwon ; Plan Type ; Fire Fighting Environment ; Fire Safety Capacity
Abstract Recently, Gosiwon Fires has been causing heavy casualties. Gosiwon owners want to make as many rooms as they can in a small area. And this brings about making too many rooms in a small place and too narrow aisles for many people to pass. Therefore tremendous disasters have been followed. This research will study 54 Gosiwons's Fire Fighting Circumstance according to their plane figures, building structures and utilizations, in Jung-gu and Nam-gu, in Daegu. It is found that Gosiwon typically consists of four types; middle corridor type, combined middle corridor type and round middle corridor type, mixed round&combined type. Firstly they are done only through simple rules without sufficient consideration of the location, structure, size, plane figure and facilities of the building. Secondly Gosiwon's construction plan should be fire-proofed, using noncombustible materials. Furthermore regular educations about evacuation are needed. Thirdly according to the research of Gosiwon's Fire Fighting circumstance, they are under very poor controls. Finally, fire stations and related agencies have to enterprisingly conduct publicity information activities. Henceforth, more experimental and systemized studies are needed which can that could improve Gosiwons' Fire Safety Abilities. which stand on the researches of Fire Riskiness and Circumstances according to their plane figures and constant studies about buildings for many people like Gosiwon are also needed.