Title A Standard Test Methods of Resistance to Root Penetration for Waterproofing and Rootproofing Membrane Using Green Roof System
Authors Oh Sang-Keun ; Kim Youn-Geun ; Shin Ju-Jea ; Kim Hyeon-Soo ; Kwon Shi-Won
Page pp.95-104
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Green Roof System ; Membrane Waterproofing ; Root Proofing Materials ; Resistance to Root Penetration ; Test Method for Resistance to Root Penetration
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to propose a standard test methods of resistance to root penetration for waterproofing and rootproofing membrane using green roof system. Green roof system is considered to be an important subject in construction industry for green growth project. At the same time, we have to consider the counterplan for protection the damage of waterproofing layer and concrete substrate from the penetration of plant root. But many kinds of materials for protection from root penetration are using in construction field. But the performance of those materials is not clear, and there is not test methods for the evaluation of performance. So in this paper, based on the research results of 4 institutes during four years and foreign cases, we made a standard test methods of resistance to root penetration for waterproofing and rootproofing membrane using green roof system. This test method deals with about environmental condition of laboratory, experimental facilities, kinds of plant, specimen of test , management methods, evaluation duration and documents, etc.