Title A Study on Legal Issues about Defect Repair Claim on Apartment Building
Authors Choi Jeong-Hyun ; Park Jun-Mo ; Seo Deok-Seok ; Jo Jae-Hun ; Park Kang-Woo ; Kim Ok-Kyue
Page pp.145-153
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Term of Warranty Liability ; Claim in Representative of Apartment Building ; Claim in Property of Condominium ; Point of Time at Assignment of Chose in Action
Abstract Since it took effect a statue that a liberalization of apartment price about an apartment house built by the private sector on february, 1998. There are increasing lawsuits related apartment building defects as extended a right`s awareness of a purchaser about high selling price and generalized a law services. However, it was true which was not clear standard of judgements about main law issues as mixed relation acts and generalized law services. Therefore, this study analyzed main issues which related on a term of warranty liability, detecting a claim in representative of apartment building, a point of time assignment of chose in action by cases of the supreme court. So it suggested the improvement for settle a dispute.