Title A Risk Visualizing Method by Object-oriented Model for Reinforced Concrete Construction
Authors Lee Jae-Seob ; Kim Woo-Ram
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Risk Management ; Object-oriented Model ; Analytic Hierarchy Process ; Fuzzy Integral ; BIM ; Visualization
Abstract The purpose of this study is to show the risk visualizing method by object-oriented model for reinforced concrete construction. The risk management process model is set up by WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) and RBS(Risk Breakdown Structure). Each risk factor's weight is estimated from AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy Integral. The risk's degree of each risk factor is calculated for each element from object oriented model. After synthesizing risk factor's weight and risk's degree of each element, it is applied to object-oriented model again. Through this process, each element's risk is visualized by the object-oriented modeling tool.