Title A Study on the Ways of Improving Classification System of Architectural Material - Based on the Practice of Architectural Firms -
Authors Jung Jun-Soo ; Kim Dong-Hyun
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architecture Materials ; The Classification System of Construction Information ; Classification of Materials
Abstract This study aims to propose the ways of improving a classification system of architectural material in Construction Information Classification System which was revised at 2006. For that purpose, existing problems of the system were identified and overseas systems were analyzed in order to find out a new system which is appropriate to Korean practices and compatible to International standards as well. The results are as follows: First, the system should be related to that of construction process. Second, the existing numbering system of the classification should be revised to be 6 digits for the readability and eligibility. Third, an mutual effort from the architectural industry, government and other professional entity should be given to maintain and revise the standards for the viable operation of the system.