Title A Study on the Architectural Influence by the Regional Characteristics of Los Angeles after the Post-modern Age
Authors Kim Kwang-Bae
Page pp.199-207
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Regionalism ; Los Angeles ; Heterogeneous Architecture
Abstract The interpretation of the contemporary architecture has been complicated after the post-modern age. The norms of the modern architecture had been the simplicity, consistency and the straightforwardness. The architects were trained to learn these values presuming that they could understand the universe with a few laws and simple propositions. The totality and the clarity of diagram were pursued while the contingency was denied and the pluralism was suppressed. When the history got abolished, memories got erased, and the architects were forgetting the lessons in the architectural modern movement, a few architects in the region of Los Angeles have developed new ways of approaches and style. It looked somewhat de-constructive judging from outwardly, but there were different notions anyone can notice from the architecture of New York, London and Rotterdam. The city of Los Angeles was the great influence to this subtle difference from any other theoretical approaches of the de-constructivism. The purpose of the study, therefore, is to analyze how the regional characteristics of the city of Los Angeles has affected these designers. The results of this study were as follows. The multivalent and socio-cultural heterogeneity of Los Angeles has caused the designers to develop the creative, optimistic and transcendental design combined with pragmatic and ad-hoc en-formality. Environmentally, the weather, pollution and the hostile urban conditions gave them defensive attitude in dealing with landscape and public urban space. The mobility was another factor that influenced the Los Angeles designers in that the psychological perception of the city is ephemeral. And, therefore, the designers were not looking for the contextual or monumental value in their design.