Title A Study on the Interpretation and Expansion of the Concept of Transparency by C. Rowe and R. Slutzky
Authors Lee Jong-Keun
Page pp.269-278
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Transparency ; Colin Rowe ; Robert Slutzky ; John Hejduk
Abstract The purpose of this study is to carve out the architectural meanings and values of C. Rowe and R. Slutzky's concept of 'Transparency', thereby making it as a foundation for the study of the new architectural theories and practices. For this, this study critically examines the newest study on the concept, reinterprets it within the context broader than previous studies. and discusses how it was evolved after it was released, leading to further valuable architectural findings. Argued here are four points: First, the designatory term "Rowe's Transparency" must rightly be replaced by "Rowe and Slutzky's Transparency." Secondly, it basically concerns a poetics of spatial form that aims at ambiguity and consequent possibility of open readings, standing against S. Giedion's materialism based on literal transparency of glass. Thirdly, it is also a poetics of temporality that operates in contradictory relationship between two different spaces, opposing itself against simultaneity that occurs in literal transparency. Lastly, it still has architectural meanings and values that might be employed in the analysis/embodiment of such architectural qualities as invisible space, infinity, and abstractness as it is approached from the dimension of temporality.