Title Lumped Simulation Model of a Double-Glazed Envelope System with Interior Blinds
Authors Yoon Kyung-Soo ; Kim Deuk-Woo ; Lee Keon-Ho ; Park Cheol-Soo
Page pp.445-452
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Blind ; Lumped Model ; Parameter Estimation ; Calibration ; Validation ; Performance
Abstract The paper describes the calibration of a simulation model of a glazed curtain wall system with interior blinds. Rather than attempting to develop the most detailed and accurate model of the system, the approach described in this paper is based on the postulated 'minimalistic' model augmented with a parameter estimation technique. Then, the lumped simulation model was validated with measurements obtained from an in-situ full-scale experimental facility mounted on the south facing facade. It was found that the calibration method delivers accurate results for the “unknown” model parameters (convective heat transfer coefficients and air permeability of shading device), allowing the calibrated lumped model to be used in ensuing optimal control and performance studies.