Title A Study on the Autogenous Shrinkage Control of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete
Authors Park Hyun ; Kim Hak-Young ; Jung Sang-Jin
Page pp.129-136
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Autogenous Shrinkage ; Expansion Agent ; Shrinkage Reducing Admixture ; Ultra High Strength Concrete
Abstract In ultra?high?strength concrete, autogenous shrinkage is larger than dry shrinkage due to the consume of a large amount of cement and cementitous material, and this is a factor deteriorating the quality of structures. Thus, we need a new technology for minimizing the shrinkage strain for ultra?high?strength concrete. So, this paper have prepared super?high?strength concrete with specified mixing design strength of over 120MPa and have evaluated a method of reducing autogenous shrinkage by utilizing expander and shrinkage?reducing agent. According to the results of this study, with regard to the change in length by autogenous shrinkage, an expansion effect was observed until the age of seven days. The expansion effect was higher when the contents of the expander material were higher. In addition, ultra?high?strength concrete showed a shrinkage rate that slowed down with time, and the effect of the addition of expander material on compressive strength was insignificant. That is shown that required more database to be accumulated through experimental research for the shrinkage strain of members.