Title Ontology Framework for Construction Knowledge Retrieval
Authors Park Moon-Seo ; Lee Kyung-Won ; Lee Hyun-Soo
Page pp.175-184
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Knowledge Retrieval ; Ontology ; Construction Knowledge ; Knowledge Reuse
Abstract To maintain a competitive edge, it is critical that companies effectively manage knowledge. Indeed, knowledge is seen as an important resource in many industries, and the construction industry's interest in knowledge is continuing to grow. However, there are limitations to the current knowledge capture and reuse strategies practiced in the construction industry due to the unique characteristics of knowledge created during the construction project process. Such knowledge is project-oriented, experiential, and context-specific, and because of these characteristics, the reuse of knowledge can be difficult. Therefore, this research focuses on identifying and examining the characteristics of construction knowledge. Then, these characteristics are applied in the development of an ontology framework for construction knowledge retrieval system, which is proposed to improve construction knowledge retrieval and knowledge reuse.