Title A Study on the Housing Satisfaction of Dweller's Exclusive Space Considering the Apartment Selling Price - Focused on Gyeongnam -
Authors Yang Keum-Shik ; Seo You-Seok
Page pp.95-104
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Selling Price ; Dweller`s Exclusive Space ; Housing Satisfaction
Abstract This study was aimed to analyze the correlationship of the quality of apartment, especially focused on dweller's exclusive space, in the decision of its price. With putting focus on dwelling-based apartment, it examined the components of apartment which could have effect on the price and the regulations related to the quality. The satisfaction with dwelling circumstances, interiors and equipments of the apartment which what we call physical elements were increasingly higher in the complex as the construction price was getting higher. On the other hand, unlike physical elements, the satisfactions with design-related qualities such as privacy security, visual openness, and so forth were not necessarily related to the construction price. This suggests that the quality of dwelling-based apartment could be influenced by the physical elements of the construction, so in order to get higher satisfaction higher-quality construction techniques and materials should be used at the cost of higher price, but since the elements such as household composition have less something to do with the increase of the price, sufficient satisfaction could be derived from improving design qualities within the expense assigned to design.