Title A Study on Estimation Method of Design Additional Fee by Change Order on Design Stage
Authors Park Won-Ho ; Sim Jae-Kwang ; Paek Joon-Hong
Page pp.135-145
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Design Stage ; Change Order ; Design Additional Cost ; Ratio
Abstract Typically, change order happens in construction stage, but often occurs in design stage due to owner's requirement. At once, design additional fee is raised, but design additional fee estimation methods of domestic are not objectively and confidently. Therefore, this study proposed the estimation method that distributes the ratio in detail activity of qualified architect work scope and calculates the design additional cost by multiplying full design cost and the ratio. The estimation method applied to K project and confirmed the estimated design additional fee to be within negotiation of real case. However this study needs the more case study and actual and objective activity ratio. Eventually, this study expects that the owner easily utilizes and applies the estimation method.