Title The Design Method for Culture-led Harbourfront Regeneration through the Experience of Abandoibarra, Barakaldo and Ametzola in Bilbao
Authors Lee Kum-Jin
Page pp.147-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Harbourfront ; Regeneration ; Cultural Quater ; Waterfront Open Space ; Promenade ; Historical Cultural Assesment ; Post-industrialization ; Bilbao ; Abandoibarra ; Barakaldo ; Ametzola
Abstract The opportunity provided for design method and strategy for harbourfront regeneration through the experience of Bilbao, is the purpose of this paper. Bilbao, especially Abandoibarra, Barakaldo, Ametzola, is an important regeneration area as it seeks to revive a declined former industrial and waterfront site. It uses culture as a tool for the creation of urban system and advance the citizens' quality of life in its cultural context plus economic benefits. It appears that culture essentially represents a diversification of the infrastructure and delivers the change of the identity of the transforming societies. This paper reviews an assessment of its success in culture and regeneration terms and concludes with the establishment of planning for culture-led regeneration; extraction of the factors contributing to culture-led harbourfront regeneration and proposal of design method; implementation of urban regeneration for the creation of identity considering historical cultural conservation and modernization; rehabilitation of infrastructure through cultural quarter with cultural space and waterfront open space as an urban emblem.