Title A Study on the Environmental Assessment Standards for Development of External Space of Ecological Housing Complexes through Practicing Architects' Survey
Authors Lee Kyu-In ; Kim Min-Seok
Page pp.175-184
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Ecological Housing Complexes ; External Space ; Ecosystem ; Assessment Standard ; Practicing Architects
Abstract The objective of this study is to develop preliminary assessment standards of external spaces for ecological housing complexes in Korea. For this purpose, assessment standards from international and national research materials and assessment criteria, newly developed standards were synthesized. And the survey on the level of preliminary standards has been done through experts who have design experiences of external spaces of housing complexes. Based on the survey results, 18 assessment indicators were suggested. These assessment standards can be used as a basement of developing assessment method of external spaces for ecological housing complexes, and it also can be used for developing assessment model and planning standards for the development of ecological housing complexes.