Title A Study on the Installation Factors of BIPV System Installed in Office Buildings
Authors Lee Geon-Tae ; Kang Seok-Youn
Page pp.315-322
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Photovoltaic ; BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaic) ; Solar Insolation
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the maximum electric production according to an inclination and a direction of the PV installation and the effects of an installation distance to module length ratio. Annual solar insolation on PV panels was calculated for various facades of two buildings, and analysis of different horizontal and vertical inclination of PV panels was also conducted considering effects of panel shading from other panels and surrounding buildings. As a result, electric production by using the PV system can be covered approximately 1% to 5% of the electric energy consumption of an office building in terms of proper combinations of installation factors which are an inclination, a module type, an installation distance to module length ratio and a direction.