Title A Study on Introducing Concept of a Safe Household and Safe District into Urban for Energy Demand and Supply when Disaster from Climatic Change
Authors Nam Gyeong-Mok ; Kim Ju-Young ; Hong Won-Wha
Page pp.369-377
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Climatic Change ; Safe Household and Safe District ; Urban Energy ; Nature Disaster
Abstract The damages on buildings and urban facilities caused by disaster from climatic change is unpredictable. Moreover, the scale and power of disaster are totally different from what we have undergone. so it's almost hard to cope with. According to climate changing, the grade of natural disaster getting worth. It is really dangerous fact in point that natural disaster like flood causes to cut off the urban energy supply, municipal lifeline, and bring the emergency to city. As the sudden urbanization and centralization, damage is serious. It's an important theme to secure its function in the urban environmental engineering field about buildings which are thought it's important just like business, a hospital and a government office in case of emergency. It's possible to utilize a concept of a safe household and apply it by a casting plan of emergency energy demand and supply in an urban area for high urban function town‘s preparation in the time of disaster. In this paper, when natural disaster in an urban area with climatic change, for proposing to introduce a concept of safe house and safe housing as a building including a concept of special dwelling of the restored dimension. we search not also maintenance of function in a building but the order of priority-like plot of emergency energy demand and supply between the building in the city and we'll prepare basic material in a safe area and a safe house as management system of the city unit about emergency energy securement and system of supply and demand.