Title Interference Effects of an Adjacent Building on Local Peak Wind Pressure on a High-rise Building
Authors Kim Won-Sul ; Tamura Yukio ; Yoshida Akihito
Page pp.19-27
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High-rise Building ; Interference Effects ; Local Wind Pressure ; Cladding Design
Abstract This paper describes results of wind tunnel experiments performed at Tokyo Polytechnic University to determine interference effects of local peak pressures on an identical pair of tall buildings to establish design cladding pressures. Measured local peak wind pressure coefficients were compared with those for the walls of an isolated building. The results showed the distribution of maximum (minimum) wind pressure coefficients on walls of a principal building with critical locations of an interfering building, as well as smallest minimum wind pressure coefficients on the side walls of the principal building due to interference. Also, the local peak wind pressure coefficients on the walls of the principal building were higher or lower depending on the locations of the interfering building, and were largely induced by the wake separated from the edges of an upwind interfering building. The authors deal with the shielding effects and channeling effects for various relative locations of the interfering building.