Title Seismic Performance of Moment Resisting Steel Frames with Modified TSD Semi-rigid Connection
Authors Yang Cheol-Min ; Cheong Myung-Chae
Page pp.47-54
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Semi-rigid Connection ; Pushover Analysis ; Initial Stiffness ; Moment-rotation Curve ; Story Drift Ratio
Abstract The semi-rigid solutions, that use angles connecting the web and flanges of the beam to the column flange, are cheaper and simpler to assemble, when compared to conservative solutions (rigid and simple). As long as the Top and Seat angles with Double web angle (TSD) connection necessarily have the clearance which is a distance between the column flange and the end of beam, the top and seat angles are inevitably fractured. To avoid this fracture, the author proposed the Modified TSD connection (MTSD). The present work is concerned with the seismic performance of semi-rigid frames with MTSD connections subjected to earthquake load. In order to evaluate the influence of MTSD semi-rigid connections on the seismic response of steel frames, a 5 story steel structure was designed in accordance with the AISC-LRFD (2000) and the Korean Building Code-Structural (KBC2005). In particular, the investigation is to consider the effects of semi-rigid connections on the earthquake responses of structures by comparing that with rigid connections. Two analytical procedures are applied to the structures with MTSD semi-rigid or rigid connection for seismic analysis: Nonlinear Static Procedure(NSP) and Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure (NDP). The seismic performance of the structure were done by using MidasGen program, developed by MidasIT Co. Ltd.