Title Effects of Surrounding Structures on Wind Speed-up over a Hill
Authors Cho Kang-Pyo ; Jeong Seung-Hwan
Page pp.55-62
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Hill ; Wind Velocity ; Topographic Factor ; CFD Analysis ; Surrounding Structures
Abstract In the study, the effects of surrounding structures on wind speed-up over an isolated hill are investigated by performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. In the analysis, topographic factors are estimated first for the hill the height of which is H, and then topographic factors for the hill are estimated when there is a structure of a rectangular parallelepiped type around the hill. In the case that there is a structure, topographic factors are estimated for different locations and heights of the structure, that is, in the cases that the structure is 5H, 10H, 20H and 30H windward from the crest of the hill and the height of the structure is 0.25H, 0.5H and 0.75H. In the analysis, wind speed increased largely above the crest of the hill. Wind speed increased about 87% above the crest of the hill when there was no structure around the hill. In the cases that the structure was 5H, 10H, 20H and 30H from the hill, wind speed increased about 57% to 82%. In the case that the location of the structure was greater than 30H and the height of the structure was less than 0.25H, wind speed above the hill decreased a little bit. It was shown that as the location of the structure became less distant from the hill, wind speed-up effects became smaller.