Title Structural Analysis of the Gukrak-Pavilion of Bulkuk-Temple Using an Equivalent Model
Authors Park Kyoung-Hoon ; Choi Hyun-Hoon ; Kim Jin-Koo ; Yoon Chae-Sin
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Traditional Wooden Architecture ; Gukrak-Pavilion of Bulkuk-Temple ; Equivalent Model ; Bracket Set
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop an simplified equivalent model to investigate the structural behavior of the Gukrak-Paviliion of Bulkuk-Temple subjected to gravity load using a three-dimensional structural analysis. The structural analysis of the traditional wooden structure is difficult because they are connected by mortise locks, dovetails and so on which are difficult to model. Especially bracket sets are congested with many members such as Salmi and Chumcha and may be analyzed correctly only by three-dimensional finite element model. In this study the bracket sets are modeled by equivalent linear members in such a way that the energy of the bracket sets is equal to that of the equivalent model. According to the analysis results the vertical deflection of the bracket sets obtained using the equivalent model is in good agreement with the displacement obtained by finite element model. The analysis results using the equivalent linear model showed that some members such as the connecting beams, architraves, and roof purlines located across the wide span are under stress close to or even larger than the allowable stress.