Title The Properties of Fresh Mortar Mixed with Natural, Crushed, and Recycled Fine Aggregate
Authors Yu Myoung-Youl ; Lee Jae-Yong ; Chung Chul-Woo
Page pp.95-104
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Blended Find Aggregate ; Recycled Aggregate ; Mortar Flow ; Air Content ; Unit Weight
Abstract The use recycled aggregate from the demolished concrete started to draw attention from concrete industry due to the economical and environmental concerns. The main use of recycled aggregate is to substitute for the coarse aggregate, but it is also used for the source of fine aggregate. However, the application of recycled fine aggregate to the concrete is still limited by the lack of the confidence in the quality of concrete. The available information from current research suggests the recycled fine aggregate to be substituted to natural fine aggregate for certain content, not recommended to use it by itself. Considering the lack of natural aggregate sources, the use of recycled fine aggregate needs to be promoted, for example, by blending it with other aggregates from various sources. To provide the guiding information for such applications, this research focuses on the investigation of mortar using fine aggregates from three different sources. The use of mortar is to remove the effect of coarse aggregate, and to efficiently evaluate the effect of blended fine aggregates to the properties of the mixture. Only fresh properties were investigated in this research, and the result indicated that the mortar flow was affected by the surface condition rather than the type of fine aggregate. The air content increased as the amount of porous recycled fine aggregate in the mixture increased. The unit weight was shown to be solely affected by the bulk specific densities of fine aggregates.