Title An Analysis of Relationship between Production Factors and Construction Company Business Using BSI
Authors Choi Jeong-Phil ; Lee Sang-Hyo ; Moon Sung-Kon ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269107
Keywords BSI ; Production Factors ; Construction Company Business ; VARM
Abstract In current business world, the excessively rapid fluctuation influences not only construction industry, but also companies. Such condition can be determined by BSI(Business Survey Index). Production Factors which are directly effected by the macroeconomics have great impacts on the profitability of construction companies. Moreover, considering the effect on housing supply, this phenomenon can fairly influence the business cycle in construction industry. In this regard, the funding, labor, materials : production factors which are the basic components of the structure should be associated with the construction company business. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the BSI of production factors and that of construction company through the VARM(Vector Auto-Regression Model). The results of this research are as follow; The slight relationship between the BSI of production factors and that of construction company; The significance of systematic & effective management in materials and funding.