Title A Study on Spatial Properties of the Hak-Dong Eight-way Crossing as a Rehabilitation District in the Period of Japanese Occupation
Authors Han Seung-Hoon ; Cheon Deuk-Youm
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hak-Dong Eight-way Crossing ; Rehabilitation District ; Gwangju ; Street Planning ; Period of Japanese Occupation
Abstract The Hak-Dong Eight-way Crossing is located at the zone of 830 Hak-Dong, Dong-Gu, Gwangju. It was constructed as a rehabilitation district for the purpose of prevention against floods over Gwangju river in 1936, during the period of Japanese occupation. The Hak-Dong Eight-way Crossing as a rehabilitation district had not only special characteristics in aspects of urban spatial planning, but also an important meaning for periodical situation that Japanese government had to pursue a management policy towards Korean low-income citizens. For those reasons, the examined area can be evaluated as a historically valuable relic showing lifestyles of Korean inferior habitants under Japanese occupation in detail. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the Hak-Dong Eight-way Crossing, especially focused on urban street planning, housing properties and habitants' lifestyles from its construction to the removal. In addition, an attempt to reveal spatial theories for a double phenomenon in terms of Relief and Surveillance has been proposed.