Title Chronological Overview on Methods of 'Recent Work' Presentations in Architecture Journals of Korea
Authors Choi Won-Joon
Page pp.175-184
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architecture Magazine ; Text ; Image ; Photograph ; Drawing ; Information ; Criticism
Abstract Although they were often scrutinized as fields of critical discourse in previous studies, one of the core functions of architectural magazines has been the provision of information on recent or important architectural works. This research looks into the chronological development of how architectural periodicals of Korea presented architectural works - especially how image and text were utilized and linked in the presentation - under the assumption that these formal features constitute the bases of how these magazines, and in turn the architectural institution, understood and implemented architectural practice. Korea's first architectural periodical Chosen to Kenchiku (1922-1942), published during the Japanese colonial period, and Journal of Korean Institute of Architects (1955-), its successor, established a form that delivered a work's objective and technical features through image and textual information. Space (1966-), published by Kim Swoo Geun, explored, at the expense of objective and technical information, the subjective, analytic, and critical function of work presentation with highly rhetorical photographs often separated from the text section. Finally, Architecture and Environment (1986-, now C3) succeeded in establishing a format that balanced objective information and critical evaluation, to promote a comprehensive understanding of a work, including process, space organization, form, program, technical aspects, and critical discourse.