Title Effective Openable Area and Position of Windows for High-rise Residences with (Single-sided) Natural Ventilation
Authors Cho Jin-Kyun ; Hong Min-Ho ; Yoo Chang-Woo
Page pp.247-254
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Residence ; Natural Ventilation ; Operable Window ; Openable Area ; CFD ; Network Airflow Simulation
Abstract This study introduces the effective openable area and position of windows of high-rise residences for natural ventilation. The airflow distribution was predicted using a network airflow program. To estimate airflow inside the room, the air pressures and velocities across the openings together with 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10% of the net occupiable area at 8 locations and 25 different levels are measured. And a numerical method that is based on the CFD technique for the determination of the effective division and position of operable windows with single-sided natural ventilation is described. The test room is situated in a relatively sheltered location and to visualize the resultant local wind pattern around the room for a prevailing wind direction wind tunnel trials were carried out. This investigation also revealed that wind and stack effects may reinforce or oppose each other. This was verified by tracking the airflow patterns through a room at a range of window positions.