Title Heating And Cooling Energy Performance Analysis of Ground Heat Source Heat Pump System Installed in Green School
Authors Kim Byoung-Soo
Page pp.267-274
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green School ; Ground Heat Source Heat Pump System ; Heating & Cooling Energy ; EED ; Building Total Energy Simulation
Abstract At present, sustainable materials, energy saving technology and system, alternative energy, landscape design, lighting system, rain water system were more concerned, as green building or green school technology, Green school project was one of New Deal projects in Korea. Generally, selected green school that was built older 30year ago. and needed remodeling. This study is to predict energy independence in Green School by energy performance evaluation and present fundamental data of heating and cooling system by optimal design and energy analysis about Ground Heat Source Heat Pump(GSHP) system as a alternative. Green School analysis was carried out with consideration over energy of heating, cooling, lighting and equipment. The Green School will be built in Daejeon. The structure was reinforced concrete and such key technologies as insulation, high performance window, economizer, shading system and GSHP system were applied. As s result of simulation, total energy(heating, cooling, lighting and equipment energy consumption of base model were 60kWh/㎡. In case out-side insulation of 50mm is applied at building surface, heating and cooling energy can be reduced by 1%. However, if economizer is installed, cooling energy can be reduced by 6.2%. In case high performance windows are installed, decreased by 2.4%. If GSHP system is installed, cooling energy can be decreased by about 80% while heating energy is decreased by 66%.