Title A Study on Peter Eisenman's ‘Autonomous Architecture’
Authors Kim Sun-Ran ; Yoo Jae-Woo
Page pp.121-130
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Peter Eisenman ; Russian Formalism ; Autonomy ; Self-reference ; Interiority ; Decomposition ; Virtuality
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the form of architecture on the basis of the self-reference that is formal concept suggested from Russian formalism. The Russian formalists formed an autonomous system that had various meaning of language with adapting rhetorical device to language. In other words, it discovered the interior rule of the form that created new meaning to refer meaning itself. In view of the concept, it was commonly called self-reference. The Famous architect, Peter Eisenman applied the self-reference to his works; the house series and contemporary architecture. Accordingly this study analyzed what means and limits about the formalization of architecture and suggested diverse way of architectural looking both inside and outside. Ultimately, Peter Eisenman's self-referential form is the formalization of architecture. So this study explains what it mean and limit for the formalization of architecture.