Title A Study for the Promote Strategy of Sustainable Urban Regeneration - Focussing on the Cases of the Experts and Residents at the National Capital Region -
Authors Lee Kyu-In ; Rhee Jang-Ook
Page pp.141-149
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Regeneration ; Sustainable Development ; Sustainable Urban Regeneration ; Planning Goals ; Promote Strategy
Abstract The aim of this study is to develope the promote strategy of sustainable urban regeneration. For the purpose of this study, the previous paper specified 12 key issues of sustainable urban regeneration through reviewing principals and topics from mainly British experiences and domestic research materials, established 38 planning objectives of sustainable urban regeneration through literature reviews and research group debates and set the step-by-step model for sustainable urban regeneration through surveying professionals. On the basis of the previous study, this paper analyzes the attitude about mainly the planning goals of sustainable urban regeneration between professionals's and residents' after further surveying residents. Finally, it defines 4 main categories which contains each group of planning goals that needs different promote strategies of sustainable regeneration. It also gives some advice according to the categories of promote strategy group. The results of this study are expected to serve some clues for dealing with the practice of sustainable urban redevelopment.