Title A Study on Invisible Depth Analysis as Support Tool for Landscape Management
Authors Lee Sang-Bok ; Lee Seung-Yeob ; Ha Jae-Myung
Page pp.151-158
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Viewshed ; Invisible Depth Analysis ; Landscape Management ; GIS(Geographic Information System)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to estimate the invisible depth analysis as support tool for landscape management, and we adopted this tool for landscape management of busok area. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, The developed tool of invisible depth analysis improved in size of study area and analysis time compare with traditional method. Second, The invisible depth analysis which preserve historical landscape scene makes possible quantitative analysis of building height control. Finally, we find out also the preprocessing of Metadata for Digital Forest Cover Type Map was very important element for improve accuracy of invisible depth analysis.