Title Effects of Childhood Emotional Experience in Physical and Social Community Environment on the Formation of Community Sense
Authors 金Kim Won-Pil
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Community Sense ; Emotional Experience ; Childhood ; Environmental Autobiography ; Community
Abstract Urban community environment as a whole consistently interacts with human being and childhood emotional experience are influential on their unconscious images and attitude about their neighborhood community environment, while impacting on the environmental attitude and the formation of community sense. This research was intended to investigate what the respondents' emotional perception and value were about the community environment in their childhood in terms of environmental autobiography and to examine the effects of the results on the formation of community sense for their current community environment. Literature review and theoretical framework explored a few important research concepts which are closely related to the formation of community sense as a result of emotional experience; sense of belongings, social ties with neighbors, participation in community activity, sense of attachment, satisfaction with physical environment. Correlation analysis found that diverse childhood emotional experience was statistically significant on the degree of community sense for their living community. Regression analysis also indicated that the degree of sense of belong, sense of attachment and satisfaction with their childhood living environment were the main variables, explaining main predictors for community sense. Furthermore, the relationship between various emotional experience of each factor in previous and current community environment were statistically significantly related. It is concluded that as the positive childhood experience in their past community except the sense of attachment, is strengthened, the degree of community sense with their current community is also goes up.