Title Automated Concurrent Construction Scheduling System (CS2) for Crashing Project Completion Time
Authors Choi Sang-Hwa ; Lim Tae-Kyung ; Lee Dong-Eun
Page pp.101-110
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concurrent Construction ; Sensitivity ; Evolution ; Overlapping
Abstract This paper presents a system called "Advanced Concurrent Construction Scheduling System (CS2)" for crashing project completion time(PCT) using concurrent engineering. CS2 implements a strategy to overlap critical activities without additional resource input. It takes a risk against the alternative method(high speed-high cost) which requires additional resource input to shorten the PCT. The mathematical concepts relative to concurrent engineering (i.e., the probability of rework, the amount of rework, and criteria applying overlapping rate, etc.) are clearly defined. The procedures to formulate the variables are explained in detail. It provides an automated system which can effectively deal with a large network by complementing the existing researches which are limited to handing a small network having a few activities. How to apply the various concepts and constraints(e.g., merge event and large networks) relative to concurrent engineering are detailed. CS2 integrates and automates the following procedures; (1) importing schedule data from P3, (ingcomputing the probability of rework and the amount of rework by considering activity characteristics(predecessor's evolution and successor's sensitivity) along with specific overlapping rate, and (3ngcomputing the variability of PCT and PCC when overlapping rate are changed. It improves concurrent construction based scheduling system by dealing effectively with the uncertainty of activities' duration caused by activity overlapping, maximizes the usability of schedule data obtained from commercial CPM softwares(e.g., P3, SureTrak), and treats effectively the variability of the PCT(or PCC). This system is implemented as a MATLAB software. Case studies verify the usability and the validity of the system.