Title Damage Detection of Structures Based on Estimated Physical Characteristic Changes
Authors Eun Hee-Chang ; Chung Chang-Yong
Page pp.13-20
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Minimization ; Damage Detection ; Control Force ; Constraint ; Cost Function
Abstract This study proposes the model-based damage detection method based on physical parameter matrices estimated from the measured response data. The physical parameters deviated by modelling and measurement errors as well as the damage should be corrected for structural design and analysis. The variation of the parameter matrices should be an important index to evaluate the occurrence of damage. Thus, this study firstly derives the mathematical formulations of physical parameter matrices to be updated and control force to be required for satisfying the measured responses. Taking the singular value decomposition of the variation of parameter matrices or the coefficient matrix of control force, this paper presents the methods to properly detect the damages. The validity of the proposed methods is illustrated in simple applications to detect the single and multiple damages.