Title A Study on the Productivity Analysis of Superstructure Construction for Multi-Housing Projects Using Construction Simulation
Authors Kang Dong-Wan ; Shim Jae-Gyu ; Kim Yoon-Kyum ; Cho Kyu-Man ; Hyun Chang-Taek
Page pp.123-131
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Multi-Housing ; Frame Work ; Construction Simulation ; Productivity
Abstract Since the frame work of multi-housing projects is not only repetitive construction process, but also critical path in scheduling, the schedule estimation of it has been dealt with a crucial factor for contractors and project managers. In this study, therefore, a simulation model for frame work of multi-housing construction was developed in order to forecast the construction duration of it, based on the CYCLONE method which is one of the widely used simulation technique in the construction field. For developing the model, the detailed literature review and case study were also conducted. As a result of simulation, the developed model could estimate the construction duration of frame work, as well as calculate the construction productivity. Finally, the optimized resource information and equivalent construction duration, which were deduced by the sensitivity analysis through implementing the developed model, could be helpful with the project manager or contractor.