Title |
A Status Analysis on the Organization and Service for Job Site Management of Specialty Contractors in Reinforced Concrete Work |
Authors |
Kim Min-Chan ; Son Chang-Baek |
Keywords |
Specialty Contractors ; Job Site Management ; Management Organization ; Service Status |
Abstract |
Since the prohibition article of side business was abolished in January 2008, some specialty contractors seem to obtain the opportunities of business diversification, whereas others are likely to be under shutdown owing to excessive competition among them. Therefore, it is required to carry out efficient job site management so that specialty contractors may survive in the excessive competition of contractors and especially specialty contractors may promote their growth through business diversification towards general contractors. Thus, this study analyzed organization system and service contents of job site management in domestic specialty contractors. Also these are compared with those of general contractors. The result of this study will provide valuable aid for specialty contractors who are to improve productivity in job sites and competitive power. |