Title A Study on the Urban Housing in Unified Silla Dynasty
Authors Lee Jeong-Mee
Page pp.241-248
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Unified Silla ; Urban Housing ; Center Building ; Plan Type ; Site Plan
Abstract From recent research on the ruins of a city block, which located in the east side of Hwangryong-sa temple ruins in the central area of the capital of Silla dynasty, many ruins of urban housing verified as built in 8-9 century were excavated. The time when these ruins were built is coincide with the time when the legislation of restriction about the scale, building materials and decoration of house, which recorded in article Oksa of Samguksagi(『三國史記』「屋舍」條), the only historical records about the housing of that time. Because of the excavation research, it could be seen that the new possibility of study about the architecture of housing in that time. In this study, I analysed those ruins from the viewpoint of urban housing, as the first stage of the new study, comprehensive investigation of historic records and ruins. As the result of the analysis about plan type, scale and setting of the housing ruins, the universality and the characteristics of the urban housing could be clarified. And the scale, setting method and spatial composition, was so deferent from urban housing of the China and Japan in that time. Therefore it can be said that, this study have important meanings on the study about the urban housing of east Asia in 8-9 century.