Title A Study on the Structural Analysis of the Korean Traditional Wooden Buildings with Multi-Roof
Authors Nam Byung-Sun ; Shin Woong-Ju ; Park Kang-Chul
Page pp.257-266
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Multi-Roof ; Traditional Wooden Buildings ; Structural Analysis ; Continuous Structure Type
Abstract This study classified existent traditional wooden buildings with multi-roof into three types depending on the structural type, selected the representative architecture by types and interpreted their structures and conducted mathematical analysis. The results of this study are as follows. Traditional wooden buildings with multi-roof were classified into the whole -kan high columns type, half-kan corner high columns type, and half-kan beams type by the constructive traits and three dimensional pattern of upper story variation column. It was confirmed through structural interpretation using MIDAS/GEN that Pungnammun of the whole-kan high columns type had the stable system against tolerance and main temple of Bupjusa temple with the half-kan beams type needed separate reinforcement equipment because its shear strength exceeded tolerance. In addition, while Pungnammun of the whole-kan high columns type had much shear strength and moment against roof load, Sungnyemun of the half-kan corner high columns type had efficient structural system against roof load, and high column and flat column share similar load.