Title Seismic Performance Evaluation of Staggered Wall Apartment Buildings
Authors Kim Jin-Koo ; Choi Hyun-Hoon ; Jeon Yong
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartment Buildings ; Staggered Wall System ; Spatial Flexibility ; Seismic Capacity
Abstract These days spatial flexibility in apartment buildings becomes more important for architectural planning, and new structural systems are required to meet growing demands for spatial flexibility. In steel structures the staggered truss systems have been applied for residential buildings in United States. However the application of the system in reinforced concrete system has not been widely studied yet. In this study the seismic performance of staggered wall type apartment building was evaluated using non-linear static and dynamic analysis, and was compared with responses of a typical shear wall system apartment building. According to the analysis results, the structure with staggered wall system showed similar strength to the strength of the shear wall-type structure, but showed smaller ductility. However the structure with staggered wall system satisfied the collapse prevention performance objective required by the FEMA-356 and thus is considered to have enough capacity for design level seismic load.