Title Analyzing the Effects of Construction Economic Changes on Laborers' Operating Ratio and Productivity
Authors Son Chang-Baek ; Hong Sung-Ho ; Lee Dong-Eun
Page pp.141-149
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Environment ; Construction Market ; Construction Laborer ; Operating Ratio ; Productivity
Abstract This study identifies booming or stagnant construction economy by using the annual construction contract volume and the estimation of the number of employments as leading economic index and coincident economic index, respectively. Using the two indexes, the effects of the outstanding economic changes for previous 24 years in Korea on the construction laborer’s operating ratio, labor productivity, and Cost Productivity are analyzed. Three trades (e.g., re-bar laborer, carpenter, and concrete worker) engaged in reinforced concrete work are studied by using work sampling method, job site operation measurements, and expert interviews. This study identifies several findings which are strategic points for effective job site management responding to economic events. The findings may contributes to effectively response to the change of laborer's attitude relative to moral or motivation.