Title A Study on the Representation of Design Knowledge using Parameter-based Associative Design Methodology
Authors Park Jong-Jin ; Jun Han-Jong
Page pp.23-30
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Parameter ; Parametric Design ; Associative Design ; Design Knowledge
Abstract In the digital era, the traditional tools and techniques have been evolved into the digitalized phases, with the support of the development of computational technologies, for the purposes of delivering and developing architectural design concepts and knowledges. Among those new techniques based on CAAD(Computer Aided Architectural Design) technology, associative design, typically understood as a parametric design technique using metric parameters to create an infinite number of design variations, currently begins to grab the attention of researchers and architects. This research presents functions and influences of parameters when designing an architectural form with the parameter-based associative design methodology. Furthermore, it suggests the potential of parameters in order to represent the design knowledge with the architectural shape-DNA(properties) based on it. To do so, we search research literature related to parametric and associative design methodology to grasp their fundamental concepts and ideas. One of the architectural projects is selected as a test model, and analyzed in order to draw the essential geometric parameters that fomulate its architectural form. Throughout UML analysis, parametric modeling and a survey, we could conclude that the potential of associative design methodology based on geometric parameters would contribute to represent the design knowledge of a designer through a model. Unifying the quantitative result from UML analysis and the qualitative result from the survey, it is expected from be an appropriate methodology in representing the design knowledge of a designer.