Title Identifying Stagnant Reasons of the Wangsimni Subway Adjacent Area
Authors Kim Heung-Soon
Page pp.255-262
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Wangsimni ; Subway Adjacent Area ; Secondary Center ; Depression ; Moving Population
Abstract Although the Wangsimni area is the secondary center in terms of spatial hierarchy of Seoul and plays the role of the university town of Hanyang University, the image about the area of Seoulites stays old-fashioned and depressed. This study analyzed the reasons of Wangsimni's depression through comparing with other areas owning similar locational conditions and tries to find some policy implications for revitalization. This study chose 4 subway adjacent areas with similar locational conditions with Wangsimni and investigated each location's land use pattern, moving population, bus lines, traffic volume and so on. The result of this study is as follows. First, the area of public facilities in Wangsimni occupies 13.9% of entire total floor area of Wangsimni, that would be serious obstacles to growth. Second, a warehouse of railroad cars and railroads placed on the center of Wangsimni's commercial area negatively affect the revitalization of the area.