Title A Study on the Landuse and Planning of Small Towns - Focused on the Master Plan of Damyang and Hwasun County -
Authors An Jong-Hun
Page pp.263-270
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Master Plan ; Landuses ; Landuse Planning ; Damyang & Hwasun ; Settled Population
Abstract Most of small towns in korea have been experiencing a steady decline during the past decades of development. In order to solve these problems, Damyang and Hwasun county draw up the Master Plan, this plan proposes long-range goals and strategies, and devises landuse planing, housing supply policy, transportation system and so on. The purpose of this paper is to investigate residents, building uses, industrial structure in Damyang and Hwasun county, and to analyse the conditions of landuses and landuse planning. In the first chapter, the purpose, background and method of this paper are studied. In the second chapter of this study, change of population, industrial and landuses for Damyang and Hwasun county are reviewed. In the third chapter, Damyang and Hwasun Master Plan regarding landuse planning related with land demand and housing supply, and standard of development land are reviewed. In the forth chapter, Master Plan regarding landuse planning related with settled population, building permit, industrial structure(population) are analysed. In the last chapter, conclusion of this paper are suggested.