Title Correlation Analysis between Dynamic Stiffness and Heavyweight Impact Noise and Application of Impedance Method
Authors Oh Jin-Kyun ; Sohn Jang-Yeol
Page pp.305-312
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Heavyweight Impact Noise ; Dynamic Stiffness ; Loss Factor ; Impedance Method
Abstract Nowadays, life's quality of residents is upgrading. So complain for impact noise from upstais are increasing more and more. To solve this complains, government established impact noise standard as lightweight impact noise of 58dB, heavyweight impact noise of 50dB and presented standard floor system or recognition floor system to satisfy this impact noise standard. The purpose of this study is to analyse correlation between dynamic stiffness and heavyweight impact noise and propose the method to predict heavyweight impact noise in test room of recognition organization. The result shows that correlation factor between dynamic stiffness and heavyweght impact noise is R2=0.0135, so there is no correlation directly and impedance method is too hard to predict heavyweight impact noise in mock-up house because it is different between floor system(Ondol) in Korea and floor system(Tatami) in Japan. So, it must be modified to predict heavy impact noise in ondol system.