Title A Study on the Influencing Factors for the Application of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Authors Byun Soo-Young ; Chung Min-Hee ; Park Jin-Chul ; Rhee Eon-Ku
Page pp.333-340
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Renewable Energy ; Hybrid Application ; Influencing Factor ; Pair-wise comparison ; Assessment of Importance
Abstract In this paper, influencing factors which affect the decision for the application of hybrid renewable energy systems. The relative importance of the factors was calculated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method and Likeret Scales in order to evaluate alternatives for selecting hybrid renewable energy systems. The questionnaires were administered to the groups bracketed into for professional fields; research, design, engineering, policy-making. The result indicates that the most important criteria is the economic efficiency, and the most important sub-criteria is maintenance expenses. This study will be able to provide the basic data on selecting the optimal alternative for hybrid application of renewable energy systems.