Title |
The Space Characteristics of Dementia Units by Using Space Syntax Theory |
Keywords |
Space Syntax Theory ; Dementia Unit ; Old People with Dementia |
Abstract |
The study focuses on the space characteristics of dementia units by using space syntax theory. Space syntax, unit plans, and literature study are used as analysis methods. The study results disclosed that dementia units used for samples in this study showed a living room centered space location and multi-centered spaces patterns. The living rooms, one of the multi-centered spaces, unveiled the highest value of the approach due to the living room centered space location. A living space in B dementia unit revealed very high value(12) of connectivity compared with second high value of the connectivity(4). This means that old people with dementia tended to use the living room too high, and other spaces low, thus, consideration of multi-purpose rooms for people with dementia is needed in the units. It is suggested that the characteristics of hall types and corridor types dementia units plans study is needed to reveal the features of various types of space characteristics in dementia units as forthcoming study. |